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David Boyer, My Art

My name is David Boyer and as you know I make kinetic wind sculptures. My wind sculpture explorations began in the late 1990’s, almost by accident. As an offshoot of my love for Northern Nevada, I started making art out of old metals and artifacts I would find in the desert. One of the first tinkered together art pieces was a wind-driven “spinner”. That first wind sculpture was so mesmerizing that I just kept building them, each successive sculpture getting bigger and more complex. As my sculptures and ideas evolved, so too did my fabrication skills (sheet metal forming, welding, machining, Autocad, laser cutting, etc.). My current body of work is the product of years of this steady evolution.

In addition to my sculptures, my customer base has evolved over the years as well. While I still do occasional small-scale sculptures for private individuals, the majority of my work now consists of building large-scale public art projects. This public art focus began in 2003 when I was fortunate to receive a commission with the City of Reno to build 63 wind-driven light pole sculptures for their Arts and Culture District. That first public art commission made it possible to receive other public art commissions, and those others, and so on, and so on. As a result, since 2003 I have completed many notable public art projects. The latest such project is a sizable park sculpture for the City of Seattle which installed in the fall of 2014 (see “Flyers” in the gallery section). Included in this public art category would have to be my involvement with the Burning Man Project. Since 2007, I have been building and bringing large-scale sculptures to that event (see the gallery section for details). If you have not yet been to Burning Man, you owe it to yourself to check it out. The art is absolutely amazing!

As I look forward into the future, I see my efforts filled with many challenging and rewarding projects. The possibilities with wind-driven sculpture are so vast; I can't help but feel I have only scratched the surface. Be sure to check back in from time to time to see where the journey has taken me.

Thank you for your interest and support.

David Boyer